Angel Layettes family of Hospitals and nurses are reporting an increased need for infant burial layettes due to the increase in fetal demise.
Dr. David Schwartz, an Atlanta pathologist, has found evidence that Coronavirus can invade and destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirths in infected women. Normal placenta tissue is a healthy reddish hue and spongy. The specimens that have been studied were stiff, with dark discolorations of dead tissue.
While other infections can sometimes damage the placenta, Schwartz said he’d never seen them cause such consistent, extensive destruction.
“Many of these cases had over 90% of the placenta destroyed — very scary,” said Schwartz.
The CDC, the American College of Obstectricians & Gynecologist, and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine all strongly recommend that pregnant women be vaccinated against Covid.
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